it's valentine's day today... well, as always, i resolved not to be the victim of commercialization. I get on my routine as per normal and anything else will be a bonus
my day:
11am - Facial
1.30pm - Lunch at my mum's place
2.45 - 3.30pm - Groceries shopping at Cold Storage (adrian said he'll cook steak for me, but i was the one who went to buy the steak)
4.00pm - reached home, blogged and will be hanging my laundry to dry
when i got home, i saw some ribbons and leaves lying on the floor. I asked adrian why. He just said it was some leaves. I knew something was up his sleeve... hhahaaa. So i went to soak his RED FILA shirt because it will stain the rest of the other clothes if it is washed together. When i went to get the pail. Guess what I saw, a bouquet of nicely arranged CARNATION!!!!
i asked him why he bought CARNATION, he said no more roses... welll..
for me, it was the thoughts that counts.. hahaha...
like i say, didn't expect anything and anything extra, it's a bonus.
Happy valentine's day to all!