I had wanted to bring my parents to this "teo chew" evangelistic dinner. I went through the process of asking them and they agreed but i procrastinated due to my indecisiveness when it came to buying the ticket. the day before yesterday i was at a bakery shop and i saw this nice frame with this quote
"If you can't feed a hundred, feed one at a time"
this quote stuck with me until I got home, so i journalled down the fact that this quote got stuck in me, as I was writing, I felt God was telling me, don't focus on the impossible (feed 100), focus on the possible (feed 1). when I focused on the impossible, nothing will ever happen but if I focused on the 1, the 1 will lead to 2 and so on and so forth, the 100th will be reached. I asked myself what i thought was impossible, and the answer came, it was my PARENTS" SALVATION. So I left it at there, meanwhile, I HAD NOT bought any tickets and the dinner is this weekend. Pastor Tony had someone giving him a table to fill up. Yesterday he asked me to bring my parents there, it was like God intervening my indecisiveness. 2 reasons why I was so wishy washy.
#1 I didn't want to be disappointed if my parents did not accept Christ,
#2 this weekend is the worship seminar, it would be hectic and tiring for me so I didn't want to be inconvenienced.
But yesterday after I took up the offer, called my parents to confirm the dinner, I felt the quotewhich I saw the day before at the bakery was God's message for me. Now I truly understand the message, FOcus on the possible. The possible is, NOthing is impossible with God. If I look to him, have faith and pray, God will make it happen. Start with what is Possible, start with God, start with prayer and start with faith. The fact that they are going is the positive first step, may God sow and shower upon my parents.
"If you can't feed a hundred, feed one at a time"
this quote stuck with me until I got home, so i journalled down the fact that this quote got stuck in me, as I was writing, I felt God was telling me, don't focus on the impossible (feed 100), focus on the possible (feed 1). when I focused on the impossible, nothing will ever happen but if I focused on the 1, the 1 will lead to 2 and so on and so forth, the 100th will be reached. I asked myself what i thought was impossible, and the answer came, it was my PARENTS" SALVATION. So I left it at there, meanwhile, I HAD NOT bought any tickets and the dinner is this weekend. Pastor Tony had someone giving him a table to fill up. Yesterday he asked me to bring my parents there, it was like God intervening my indecisiveness. 2 reasons why I was so wishy washy.
#1 I didn't want to be disappointed if my parents did not accept Christ,
#2 this weekend is the worship seminar, it would be hectic and tiring for me so I didn't want to be inconvenienced.
But yesterday after I took up the offer, called my parents to confirm the dinner, I felt the quotewhich I saw the day before at the bakery was God's message for me. Now I truly understand the message, FOcus on the possible. The possible is, NOthing is impossible with God. If I look to him, have faith and pray, God will make it happen. Start with what is Possible, start with God, start with prayer and start with faith. The fact that they are going is the positive first step, may God sow and shower upon my parents.