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Even though... yet I will praise, i will sing

This is a long overdue post.

End of June, Adrian and myself attended a movie screening in church. The title of the movie was "Facing the giants". The main theme of the movie is to have faith in God regardless of circumstances and we can conquer the giants we face in our lives. The main story revolves around a high school football team, his coach, his wife and family. The coach was on the brink of losing his job because he wasn't able to lead the football team to win on the local league. However, as He surrendered himself to God and really challenged his team about playing for God and for his honour, the team began to taste victory.

The message i received from this show was, "Prepare for rain". There was this elderly man who kept praying for the students that they might be spiritually revived. When he was being asked why he kept doing this without seeing any results, he said he was preparing for rain.

The final outcome of the story was Shiloh Eagles, the high school football team went on to win the states championship and defeated the title holders who won it for 3 years consecutively.

Adrian and myself were discussing about this movie after the screening. I thought the ending was too perfect and fairytale-like. It would have been interesting IF they didn't win the states championship. How would they respond to God? It is easy to give thanks when everything in our lives went on well. The challenge comes when we experience a setback or a failure situation.

So it was, the week before my maternity leave came to an end - last week of June. Adrian encouraged me to really 'enjoy' myself by going out with my friends. I went ahead to make all the appointments and was quite excited about it. However, the weekend before that, Adrian developed some rashes on his body. To cut the long story short, he was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday for drug allergy. My plans were foiled. It was a trying week as I had to shuttle to the hospital everyday for the next 7 days and care for Charis at the same time. It was the week, I learned to praise God in times of difficulties. I had to intentional bring myself to focus on God daily as negative thoughts about the situation would always linger in the wait to pounce at my faith.

Out of this whole situation, I've learnt to put my trust in God and to praise Him despite the situation. I guess God taught me how to sing in the midst of darkness and uncertainties. It wasn't easy at all but it was possible because of His grace. I guess God heard me when I said that it would be easy to give thanks when everything in my life was well. He gave me an opportunity to learn thanksgiving amist trial.

Terima Kasih Tuhan Yesus.


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