I remembered posting a short thought that Jesus was born in a manger. One of the reasons cited was because there was no room for Him. Yet I believe the Servant King chose the manger over any 5 star hotel because He wanted access with people. The place where least attention would be drawn to, where the crowd would not be found, where the Shepherds could enter freely.
Jesus intentionally positioned himself where the lowly was. It was on purpose that He chose to be born in a manger. I am sure the angels would have thought of a place more appropriate for their King, in the end, Jesus had the final say: "I will be born in a manger!" Books closed.
He chose accessibility over comfort, over status, over reputation. No wonder John in his gospel used the word "Tabernacled" among men. He made earth His dwelling where earth used to be his footstool. This is service without the glam. He came down to our level.
The unsung heroes of our time are those who served without the attention, without the appreciation, without the pat on the shoulder. Those who are willing to take time and invest them in things deemed as not so important or does seem to yield immediate results. Those who are willing to get their hands dirty, most of the time if not all the time.
Delegation has sometimes become such a dirty word to me. To delegate means you ask people to do the things you have no time to do or rather, you don't want to do? There is a difference. In a Christian organization, everybody should get their hands dirty. Afterall, we have an example to follow. Our servant King.
He did not speak to gain popularity nor did anything to win men's favour. He did what He had to do. He healed on the Sabbath which offended the Pharisees so much, He called them white-washed tombs, He spoke well of the Good Samaritan, He washed the feet of all his disciples, including the one whom he knew would betray him.
Service 101:
1. Will i serve even if i don't get recognized?
2. Will i serve even my enemies?
3. Will i serve even if I need to get my hands dirty?
4. Will i serve even if no one say, "thank you"....
Jesus intentionally positioned himself where the lowly was. It was on purpose that He chose to be born in a manger. I am sure the angels would have thought of a place more appropriate for their King, in the end, Jesus had the final say: "I will be born in a manger!" Books closed.
He chose accessibility over comfort, over status, over reputation. No wonder John in his gospel used the word "Tabernacled" among men. He made earth His dwelling where earth used to be his footstool. This is service without the glam. He came down to our level.
The unsung heroes of our time are those who served without the attention, without the appreciation, without the pat on the shoulder. Those who are willing to take time and invest them in things deemed as not so important or does seem to yield immediate results. Those who are willing to get their hands dirty, most of the time if not all the time.
Delegation has sometimes become such a dirty word to me. To delegate means you ask people to do the things you have no time to do or rather, you don't want to do? There is a difference. In a Christian organization, everybody should get their hands dirty. Afterall, we have an example to follow. Our servant King.
He did not speak to gain popularity nor did anything to win men's favour. He did what He had to do. He healed on the Sabbath which offended the Pharisees so much, He called them white-washed tombs, He spoke well of the Good Samaritan, He washed the feet of all his disciples, including the one whom he knew would betray him.
Service 101:
1. Will i serve even if i don't get recognized?
2. Will i serve even my enemies?
3. Will i serve even if I need to get my hands dirty?
4. Will i serve even if no one say, "thank you"....
Yes! :) My attention seeking days are quite over, all thanks to revelation of Him in my life.
Will i serve even my enemies?
This one will still take time, as I continue my journey to learn to love.
Will i serve even if I need to get my hands dirty?
Most definitely. The mindset has changed that dirtying of hands equate to growth.
Will i serve even if no one say, "thank you"....
That will be hard, since I know there is my Christian community/family that will thank me anyhow. And then there is the Triune....
i am trying to answer them myself...
i find serving my "enemies" the hardest thing to do..