I was writing the weekly devotions for the kids in the sunday school. This week and following, we will be
focusing on Christmas.
While writing on Jesus being found in the manger in Luke 2, suddenly I sense a nudging to meditate
further what I was reading. No hotels, no red carpets, no standing ovation, no trumpet to welcome his arrival.
All that was available was a lowly manger. A place unfit for the Messiah, Son of God and King of kings.
Secondly, Luke wrote that an angel appeared to a group of shepherds and revealed to them the whereabouts
of Jesus. The shepherds decided to take the look and were exceedingly joyful when they saw him. If there
was any grand announcements, it came from the angels...
As I meditated through, the manger and the shepherds connected well. Shepherds were low-class
labour, manual jobs in those days. They carry a stench of smell and were most unwelcome anywhere.
The manger was the most appropriate for them. The most accessible place for the willing and humbled.
Instead of being found in a posh inn/hotel, the Son of God was found in the most unfit place for
someone His status. Yet He chose, the place most accessible to those He had wanted to reach and to
those He had come for.
It doesn't matter who I am, I pray that I will be found in a place, most unfit for me yet a vessel
making the gospel accessible to those who need and are willing to hear.
Lord lead me to one soul this Christmas. Where you lead, I will go.
focusing on Christmas.
While writing on Jesus being found in the manger in Luke 2, suddenly I sense a nudging to meditate
further what I was reading. No hotels, no red carpets, no standing ovation, no trumpet to welcome his arrival.
All that was available was a lowly manger. A place unfit for the Messiah, Son of God and King of kings.
Secondly, Luke wrote that an angel appeared to a group of shepherds and revealed to them the whereabouts
of Jesus. The shepherds decided to take the look and were exceedingly joyful when they saw him. If there
was any grand announcements, it came from the angels...
As I meditated through, the manger and the shepherds connected well. Shepherds were low-class
labour, manual jobs in those days. They carry a stench of smell and were most unwelcome anywhere.
The manger was the most appropriate for them. The most accessible place for the willing and humbled.
Instead of being found in a posh inn/hotel, the Son of God was found in the most unfit place for
someone His status. Yet He chose, the place most accessible to those He had wanted to reach and to
those He had come for.
It doesn't matter who I am, I pray that I will be found in a place, most unfit for me yet a vessel
making the gospel accessible to those who need and are willing to hear.
Lord lead me to one soul this Christmas. Where you lead, I will go.