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random thoughts

Firstly, I must begin by thanking God for 'repairing' my handphone. Over the the last week, it kept hanging and rebooting by itself. I finally grasp the phone in my hand and prayed that my handphone will function normally again, and from that saturday on, it didn't reboot nor hung up on me. Thank God - otherwise i will have to buy a new phone because of the line contract.

Eversince our PM made announcement about the proposal to increase GST by another 2% which makes it 7%, there has been much talk. There's a good reason why. The reason for increasing direct taxes is of course to improve revenue so that our lives will improve but most importantly, the lower income group will benefit from this exercise. Honestly, I do not understand how our lives will improve. Health care is still a potential liability. Our children's education will not be free - eventhough primary, secondary, jc fees are considered relatively reasonable. (well thank God for education) From a either short or long term perspective I do not understand how will our lives IMPROVE... to add to the 'injury' so to speak, this step forward will benefit the lower income... how? Who falls within the lower income? How are the lower income going to benefit from this? All these remains a mystery as far as the citizens are concern... Preparing us for the 'worse' is good but coating it over with something else to make the worse look better is not exactly very wise.

Next headline: Civil service pay will be increased next year. We shall wait and see... how that works out to be...

Next: SM said that ministers' pay ought to be revised in order to make it more competitive as compared to the private sector counterparts. When is the amount competitive enough? If salary is a draw to politics, then I really suggest these people think twice. If one wants to make a lot of money, don't join politics. I think politics involve more than money. It is about a passion. Our founders didn't build the nation or were attracted to build the nation because they had a lucrative salary. Love for the country and for the people should be the main focus. Our ministers have to be well paid but not overly paid or to peg their salary to some top 6 earners of the nation etc.. etc..

I just wish that sometimes, there's more details...


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