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God's will

Chanced upon the story of Roger Youderian. His name might not ring a bell to most of us but he was with Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Peter Fleming, Ed McCully when they were speared to their death on Palm Beach, 8 January, 1956. A history of martyrdom not too remote from us. Today, I'm not going to talk about Jim Elliot. I'm going to talk about Roger Youderian. In the book "Through the gates of splendour", a short excerpt about him tells us that he was trained to play the piano from young, but at the age of 9, he suffered from Polio and had to give up playing piano for the rest of his life. In his late 20s, he and his wife left for Ecuador and met up with Jim Elliot later on to provide air transport for the missionaries as well as medical supplies to the tribal groups they were working with.

I wonder, what was a man with Polio doing in Ecuador? Why didn't God heal him so that he can move with ease and speed? Was he in the will of God or not in the will of God? Please do not mistaken me. I believe God can heal and He will heal. I am praying for Sis Luan to be healed, for a buddy and an ex LG member - that their womb will be restored and they will bear children. So let me qualify, I believe in healing. Yet many a times we speak of GOd's will to heal as if it is a default (out of his sovereignty) i.e. "it is His will to heal therefore anyone who is sick who comes to him will be healed if we pray in faith". If a person is not healed, either he did not have faith or he did not pray persistently. Something is wrong with him. That's how we become cruel/insensitive in our judgments whether in our inner thoughts or in the words we say.

Rojer Youderian has my admiration. He did not allow his physical condition to hinder him from preaching the gospel. Paul had a bodily illness when he preached the gospel to the Galatians the first time - Gal 4:13. We know it was not an eye problem but it was a bodily illness, not a person who was sent to taunt him. Was Paul in God's will? Definitely. Was he eventually healed of his bodily condition? We don't know.

Joni Erickson, paralyzed from waist down is still on her wheelchair after 30 years later. Today she runs an organization that reaches out to the physically challenged with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is what she says:

"I managed to redeem a tragedy,” says Joni, “through the accident I have become infinitely aware of how precious life is, what a gift, God works though me, to show love and respect.”

Joni ministers to the countless today who suffers. Is she in the will of God on her wheelchair?

I believe God will and can heal any diseases and illnesses. We need to pray and pray persistently in faith. Ultimately the timing belongs to God, it is his perogative as to WHEN He will heal. When it doesn't happen according to our timetable, let's not conclude too quickly. Faith is not about what we can see but what we can't. Abraham took 10 years of waiting before his promised son came...

When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick. He prolonged his stay where he was for another two more days. By the time Jesus got to Lazarus, he was already buried. Mary and Martha responded by saying "If you had been here, my brother would not have died." - John 11:21, 32. From their perspective, Lazarus was dead and it was the end. From Jesus' perspective, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?" - John 11:25 - 26

Hence it was God's will that Jesus delayed his response upon hearing the news that Lazarus was sick. He knew the right timing to respond and had a reason why. The perogative is His. Our posture is to pray and believe, leave the timing to God. When it has not yet come to past, let God.


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