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Good Customer Service?

Sometimes I pity Big Corporations. They spend hours and tonnes of money designing, creating good marketing strategies but only to have their ground staff aka CUSTOMER SERVICE flame up all their efforts, time and MONEY. It's a total waste of money.

Does Good Customer Service exist in Singapore? ? ? ? What Customer Service.

Just yesterday I went with my friend to the Nokia Care Centre. This is the 3rd time her newly bought Nokia 6280 is giving her problems. 12 days ago, her handphone was returned to her finally after she make a few phone calls to enquire on the status of the repair - (the service centre promised to call her 3 days later but after 3 days, no calls came). On the report, it was just some numbers that a lay person won't understand. What is "L3" repair??? She was informed that her handphone antenna was faulty so a new one was being replaced... but 12 days later, the same problem resurfaced, no network signal whatsoever.

At the counter, the CSO just checked the handphone, didn't tell us anything and started keying in away on her computer. We had to ask what is going to happen to the handphone. She systematically told us that her on-site engineers will diagnose the problem, if repair can't be done at her site, it will be sent to the HQ. *duh* ... so we asked where was the last repair done? She scanned the barcode and found out that the repair was done at the HQ. We asked, if it was sent to the HQ, shouldn't it be directed to the HQ now instead of wasting time diagnosing onsite and wasting more hours trying to find out what is wrong with the problem. She went away into the room behind her, I suppose consulting her onsite engineers, came back and told us that they will sent it to HQ and will require 2 days i.e. sat/sun to fix the problem. I thought at last something more reasonable but hey, as customers we have to help her with the process men, imagine we had not asked where was the last repair done? She would have follow the "COMPANY POLICY" to get her onsite engineer to diagnose, waste some more time, unable to fix it, waste more time, sent to the HQ, waste even more time, repair at the HQ and return back to the service centre. *Alas*

Ok, at least they committed that the phone will be back on Monday but how about loaning a unit for my friend to use? The CSO updated us, told us that previously it was their practise. They scrapped the service entirely because some delinquent customers abused the loaned phones and were returned faulty. What a way to solve the problem. Should we chop off the whole head because lice are found???? Perhaps this is the way to lower operating costs. I told the CSO in a mild mannered way, that they should make the customer sign an agreement (which they are very fond of us doing that) should the loaned phone not returned in working condition, the customer should be penalized. Instead of scrapping the service, they should have come up with a better way to deter the delinquents. Nobody accepts liability. Service Provider-Win, Hardware Manufacturer-Win (they already sold the unit to you, no refund, just service), Customer-lose.
1-1-0 ...

The problem with this mini saga for me was this. The Service provider aka Singtel, M1, Starhub make u sign a 2 year agreement. If you break the contract, you'll be penalized. How smart! When the hardware gives way, they are not liable, you MUST stick to the contract albeit even without a phone. Hardware manufacturer really can't be bothered, they will just fix the problem and if it recurs, they will continue to fix it - com'on. Denmark's Telia (Teliasonera) has taken the nokia 6280 off market due to its many errors. For the antenna to be faulty the second time, something must be wrong with the hardware or the person fixing it. One user from Amsterdam was discussing the problems of the phone with the service centre, go to link to view the forum: (, 4 pages of software problems!!!!!! Please tell us which batch and recall the handphones in SG.

What customer service? The last time I had good service was when I pay a high price for it at the Dining Place with fine dining cuisines. In singapore, when you pay peanuts, you really get monkeys. Perhaps not the fault of the CSO but the fault of those who devise lousy "COMPANY POLICY". I do pity the CSO sometimes but what to do, the brain behind them are not doing their job well.

Good service is not just the job of the CSO, Good services starts from the tops.


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