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Chance vs Divine

It's my second straight week of leading worship and it's been a while since I had such a routine. Wierd as it may sound, I am leading two hymns again this week. I'm not really a hymns person but it seems that the divine has something else in mind. Last week, I led "On Higher Ground" and "Pass me not" This week, my repertoire of songs include "I don't know about tomorrow" and "It is well with my soul". To be honest, on Monday night, I was trying very hard to shake these two songs out of my mind but it never materialized. Finally I 'gave in' to the divine because obviously, He knows what HE IS DOING.

Chance or Divine? I always believed everything happens for a reason and the reason is sometimes only known to the Father. We may not even get to know the reason but obedience does not require us to know/understand everything. Some people believe in chance. Leaving our life to chance seems fatalistic. It does not require our involvement in any way. Chance deprive us of making a choice and circumstances of life become the master of our destiny. Quite fatalistic isn't it? Chance is a lousy master, it has no standards, no rules, no definitions. Anything goes, only accept it as 'fate'.

I would rather hand my life to the Divine. The one who chose me even before the foundation of the world that I would be holy and blameless before Him (Eph 1:4), and the GUY, who promises that He causes all things to work together for good to those who love HIM, to those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28) and the one who knows where are we heading in eternity. Chance, get out, you're not gonna get any chance from me.

Last night, had a dream of a friend who was very close to me when I was growing up. We used to serve together in the youth ministry and were more than just partners in ministry. We hanged out together often at Sakae Sushi, shared our dreams together, prayed and cried together. In recent years, she decided to go into a r/s with a non christian person. I was taken aback and did not know how to react. Tried to dissuade her. The toughest part for me was to reconcile her decision theologically. Truth is, I can't. It's hard. I told myself to separate the decision the person made from the person. I told myself, I want to be there to congratulate her in her marriage. This morning, I came to this conclusion, that God is in control - He sees beyond what I see. It's strange I woke up, thinking of the hymn: "O Love that wilt not let me go", the second stanza reads:

O light that followest all my way,
I yield my flickering torch to thee;
My heart restores its borrowed ray,
That in thy sunshine’s blaze its day
May brighter, fairer be.

I believe God's message for me about her is God's love will not let her go. God will win her back again and this time her husband to be as well. I can only pray and trust for God to intervene. He can turn the course and change it. I wanna continue to be her friend and be there to see that God will lead her back again.

Just smsed, and we are meeting for dinner!!! I cook. :)

Don't leave life to chance, it ain't gonna work.


Sophia said…
Ruth, is she married yet? Well, there's still time...

Just keep praying, just keep praying, just keep praying...

Aiyah... God is just so good la. He will never let her go one. I think he'll keep knocking at her heart until she opens the door. I know. I experienced it.

P.S. I'm still praying for a break through! haha
r.u.t.h. said…
i think she has ROMed.
God won't let her go. The gifts & more importantly, the call of God are irrevokable. God remembers her promises to Him. =)

Enjoy your dinner tog! Making Chicken Chop again? =) Yummy!
r.u.t.h. said…
i'm trying some roasted chicken tonight. the menu for our meal will depend on the outcome of my experiment tonight lorhhh

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