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Showing posts from February, 2006


Headline #1 - MR S RAJARATNAM This week Mr Rajaratnam passed away at 90 years old, few days before his 91st birthday which is 25 February. The nation mourns. He is one of Singapore's Founding Fathers, of which I found out on his passing away. Why didn't I learn this in Primary School or Secondary school? He was the one who craft out the Singapore pledge, the words I remembered by hard from primary one. Why do we only remember people when they are dead? Why only do we tell of their goodness when they are dead, when they are not here to listen to the nicely crafted tributes? Why is death bad news for everyone alive and GOOD news for the dead? I have long resolved not to take anybody for granted, including my buddies. Recently, I am prompted to write to those who has impacted my life when I was young, I even dreamed of this person last night. In my dream, I told him that I appreciate him. I don't want to tell a dead man how GOOD he WAS. No and never. Headlines #2 - Ms CORRIN...

One step closer, one step nearer

Yesterday my parents, adrian and myself went for the evangelistic dinner. My parents understood the message and felt that it was meaningful. Though they did not accept but I know God's word was deposited in them. I had assurance from God that He is at work. They were very open to it. I also bought a cd with someone reciting some values from the bible accompanied by "teo chew" musical arrangements, it was quite nice as it make Christianity and Jesus less western. It was really something my parents could identified with. (Just had dinner with my parents at their home and my dad asked me to play the CD!!!! I think bit by bit, little by little the word will get in.) I shared with my dad and told him, it's ok to believe and take it one step at a time. I shared with him how I recalled very vividly that when I was much younger, I thought very hard over my salvation. All the kids will usually put up their hands to 'accept' Jesus in their lives except me (i went t...

iiiinDecisivenesssss INTERVENED

I had wanted to bring my parents to this "teo chew" evangelistic dinner. I went through the process of asking them and they agreed but i procrastinated due to my indecisiveness when it came to buying the ticket. the day before yesterday i was at a bakery shop and i saw this nice frame with this quote "If you can't feed a hundred, feed one at a time" this quote stuck with me until I got home, so i journalled down the fact that this quote got stuck in me, as I was writing, I felt God was telling me, don't focus on the impossible (feed 100), focus on the possible (feed 1). when I focused on the impossible, nothing will ever happen but if I focused on the 1, the 1 will lead to 2 and so on and so forth, the 100th will be reached. I asked myself what i thought was impossible, and the answer came, it was my PARENTS" SALVATION. So I left it at there, meanwhile, I HAD NOT bought any tickets and the dinner is this weekend. Pastor Tony had someone giving him a tab...

A peek into my valentine's day

it's valentine's day today... well, as always, i resolved not to be the victim of commercialization. I get on my routine as per normal and anything else will be a bonus my day: 11am - Facial 1.30pm - Lunch at my mum's place 2.45 - 3.30pm - Groceries shopping at Cold Storage (adrian said he'll cook steak for me, but i was the one who went to buy the steak) 4.00pm - reached home, blogged and will be hanging my laundry to dry when i got home, i saw some ribbons and leaves lying on the floor. I asked adrian why. He just said it was some leaves. I knew something was up his sleeve... hhahaaa. So i went to soak his RED FILA shirt because it will stain the rest of the other clothes if it is washed together. When i went to get the pail. Guess what I saw, a bouquet of nicely arranged CARNATION!!!! i asked him why he bought CARNATION, he said no more roses... welll.. for me, it was the thoughts that counts.. hahaha... like i say, didn't expect anything and anything extra, it...

The Deeper Life

I'm currently reading a book by Calvin Miller, entitled "Into the Depths of God" - Publisher: Bethany House. I am half way through the book and this part has caused me to read and re-read several times. quote pg 105 of book: "I see three distinct dangers in the pursuit of God. The first danger is that the pursuit of holiness breeds its own inner addiction. Since we have already examined the pitfall, there remains little to say except this: Always look for evidences that you are loving the wrong things. If you love the quiet retreats that you create in order to meet God, you may not love God at all but only the pointless discipline of quietness. If you love the literature of the saints more than you desire to emulate their holiness, you are too much the captive of your reading and not the servant of your Lord. If you seem to talk a lot about prayer but pray very little, you are seeking only a godly mystique and not God himself." silence It's so true, sometime...

Trip to the vet

Today brought Zack to the vet. He chewed on his left paw until there was inflamation. Good thing it didn't become an infection as assured by the vet. The vet gave Zack a jab to relieve him of the itch and gave us medication for him to consume and apply... what I want to say is that the trip to the vet was really trying.... I thought the traffic would ease after the peak hour which is after 9.30am. Today is monday and if i leave after 9.30am I would not have to rush with the rest... guess what? Taxis were all HIRED and there was none available for the next 20 minutes. Finally at 10:10am, I called Comfort Cab for a taxi. It came quick at a price of $2.50 that is. I asked the taxi driver about the unusual phenomenon of the heavy traffic of taxi. He said, today is the official day that most people are going back to work after the long rest of Chinese New Year and that's why it's a little bit busier than usual. I see, I never knew that. Spent about an hour at the vet.. and took ...

No Perfect Heroes

Dear Mr Abdul Hafiz I read your comments on ST Home, Pg, H11, 2 February 2006 regarding "Quit? It can make or break your reputation" I have been an ardent Henin fan. I've seen her victories and her defeats. The only reason why I continued my support is because she has the tenacity to keep going on, be it while in the game or returning to the circuit after a long period of recuperation. She never quits. As a fan I was utterly disappointed that day when she chose not to finish the game. I was hoping for a miracle come back like some other time she had done. I remembered the US Open Final in 2003 with Jennifer Capriati. She fought and she won in front of the American crowd (that jeered at her). Upon reflection, I came to the conclusion that Henin is human afterall. She is not a robot which can be programmed to respond to situations each and everytime with optimum consistency. Yes, she may have persisted in other matches, other people may have played while they threw up or...

Chloe? ?

This is my cousin's 2nd daughter. We visited her on 30 January. She and her mum had just returned from the hospital. She was born on 28 January approximately at 4am. Her Dad (my cousin) hasn't given her a name yet. They were thinking between two names, Chloe or Jxxx (i forget the 2nd one)... I do think Chloe is a nice name. Look at her, isn't she beautiful. :)