2007 will be a year of challenge for me personally. Having a child due in April (20 April is the estimated day of arrival). Parenthood is slowly settling in and we are still considering all the options of who is to help us look after the child. God has assured us time and again that He will lead and He will provide.
In my private journal about 2 mths ago. As I thought about the challenges ahead, God spoke to me about "ASK" - Luke 11:9 - 13. I'm not one who like to conjure up things for myself so that I can feel good about it but that day, I journaled down my thoughts about the passage and what I sense God was saying to me.
This morning, as I ponder about the future. I came across the same passage once again. God says, ASK. This time the passage was from Matthew 7:7 - 12. The pastor and preacher, John Piper gave a thorough exposition and explanation of the passage and I sense the Spirit of God, once again, directing my focus on Him. Just as I am considering and praying about the options we have, God says, To ASK and To TRUST.
The journey of trusting God is always a fresh experience. I have personally experienced God's providence many times yet each experience is different and special. Having gone through some challenging ones, this experience is not much easier, no amount of what I had gone through in the past could be carried forward. Thank God for His word once again at the point of me searching and pondering.
It's not that I do not want to plan ahead, in fact planning way ahead is very much my preferred way of doing things. Yet at this point of time, I can't until God shows me. I believe He will show us and lead us. All He asks us to do, is to ASK HIM and TRUST HIM.
One new year resolution I've made this year is to devote my time in diligent prayer. I've already begun doing so and praying especially for the things/people that I often take for granted. ASKING God to do His work has accomplished more spiritually and physically as compared to what I can do in my own strength. I can't elaborate much on what has been happened as it concerns confidentiality but I am beginning to see some positive things taking place.
Beyond my ability to comprehend some intricate matters about Prayer and God's sovereignty, God is asking me to pray and ask not just for myself but for others too so that His purpose will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Lord, have your way.
The link to the sermon on Matthew 7:7 - 12 if you are interested.
In my private journal about 2 mths ago. As I thought about the challenges ahead, God spoke to me about "ASK" - Luke 11:9 - 13. I'm not one who like to conjure up things for myself so that I can feel good about it but that day, I journaled down my thoughts about the passage and what I sense God was saying to me.
This morning, as I ponder about the future. I came across the same passage once again. God says, ASK. This time the passage was from Matthew 7:7 - 12. The pastor and preacher, John Piper gave a thorough exposition and explanation of the passage and I sense the Spirit of God, once again, directing my focus on Him. Just as I am considering and praying about the options we have, God says, To ASK and To TRUST.
The journey of trusting God is always a fresh experience. I have personally experienced God's providence many times yet each experience is different and special. Having gone through some challenging ones, this experience is not much easier, no amount of what I had gone through in the past could be carried forward. Thank God for His word once again at the point of me searching and pondering.
It's not that I do not want to plan ahead, in fact planning way ahead is very much my preferred way of doing things. Yet at this point of time, I can't until God shows me. I believe He will show us and lead us. All He asks us to do, is to ASK HIM and TRUST HIM.
One new year resolution I've made this year is to devote my time in diligent prayer. I've already begun doing so and praying especially for the things/people that I often take for granted. ASKING God to do His work has accomplished more spiritually and physically as compared to what I can do in my own strength. I can't elaborate much on what has been happened as it concerns confidentiality but I am beginning to see some positive things taking place.
Beyond my ability to comprehend some intricate matters about Prayer and God's sovereignty, God is asking me to pray and ask not just for myself but for others too so that His purpose will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Lord, have your way.
The link to the sermon on Matthew 7:7 - 12 if you are interested.