Beautiful Lord Wonderful Saviour I know for sure All of my days are Held in Your hands Crafted into You perfect plans You gently call me Into Your Presence Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit Teach me dear Lord To live all my life Through Your eyes I'm captured by Your holy calling Set me apart, I know You're drawing Me to yourself, lead me Lord I pray Take me, mould me Use me, fill me I give my life to the Potter's hand Call me, guide me Lead me, walk beside me I give my life to the Potter's hand God used this song to speak to me almost 5 1/2 years ago when he was challenging me to quit my job and to go into full time ministry. I had nothing to lose in a sense that my job wasn't exactly high paying. Yet, there was an air of uncertain that looms as I make my decision to quit. I remembered sitting on the left side of the church sanctary. Throughout the whole time of praise and worship, I was uneasy. When this song came, I broke down because I couldn't sing and mean i...
Letting go and letting God...