This photo was taken 20 minutes after her birth on the 22 April 2007. Her birth time was 1.05 am and her weight was 3.05 kg. Length 50cm, head circumference 35cm. Giving birth was certainly an experience. On 21 April, I checked myself into the hospital at 9.30am as I was having some contractions. It was due anyway and I think I had better go in. However, the long wait took place. I was able to endure the contractions until when it came on stronger at about 5pm in the late afternoon. I asked for the anaesthetist to give me the epidural. I endured the pain for almost an hour... alas, I have the experience of what labour is like. The wait continued until 12mn that day. My gynae and the nurses came in and check me almost every half and hour. As things did not seem good, the check was almost every 5 minutes. While there was strong contractions, my baby's position was not engaged (positioned for natural birth) and my cervix was only 5cm dilated, very little compared to the hours of...
Letting go and letting God...