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Showing posts from January, 2007

Corrie's Quote

Came across 2 interesting quotes by Corrie Ten Boom. "Perhaps only when human effort had done its best and failed, would God's power alone be free to work." (CTB) Was looking for a front cover message for the church newsletter to match my preaching text. Another interesting quote on discernment, the topic which i was reflecting on last week. “Discernment is God's call to intercession, never to faultfinding.” (CTB) How apt!

on GST hike

Well, it is easy to justify the hike by saying that the govt. will be used for investments to secure our future. Perhaps, some statistics should be opened and transparent to us so that we can be convinced of the hike and not be coerced into the hike. 1. How much income was collected via GST in 2006 2. What was the percentage invested and what is the yield or potential yield 3. What was the percentage set aside for other 'investments' or 'expenditure' How will the govt share the profit of the nation with her citizen??????????????????????

the 'guessing' game

Have you ever had to guess how someone feels? It's one of those things that I do not delight in and a territory I rarely venture. If something is of significance to me, I would ask to find out instead of trying my hand at guessing. Of course, amidst the multitudes of christian terms, the word "discern" comes close to what guessing is but it is not guessing. We Christians are so capable of using a christian terms to 'justify' our words and opinions by saying that we 'discern' something. Sometimes, it's hard to distinguish between what is an 'educated guess' vs 'discerning'. It depends on the integrity of the person operating in the gift. Yet, in all of this, it is never foolproof. No matter how good, how spiritual one person is, he/she is still capable of making mistakes if he/she does not check himself/herself regularly. Why does God give us the ability to discern, word of wisdom and word of knowledge? To build up the church, to edify t...

3 months

today will be exactly 3 months to the estimated due date of my kiddo! 3 months before motherhood becomes a reality 3 months before a new life is set before me 3 months before I truly understand labor pain 3 months before I stay in the hospital for the very first time in my life 3 months...

Prayer: 17-01-07

Lord speak Not what I want to hear But what You want to say Lord I will, Lord I yield Help me distinguish and discern To know the difference between yours and mine So that You may be glorified and I may be satisfied.

A Call to Spiritual Reformation - Chp 5, pg 82 - 83

I am currently reading a book by D.A. Carson, title is on the subject heading. Usually his books are quite technical but not so for this particular title. It's a book on prayer and it studies into all the prayers of Paul and how he prayed for the churches he planted, pastored and how he long to meet up with them, to encourage them, to spur them in faith and all that. So often I am intrigued by Paul's writings and I believed God has used him to pen most of the NT books. I believe, right practise stems from sound and biblical teaching. This book has evaluted my prayer practices and spur me to pray even more faithfully. Let me quote D.A Carson of which I am very convicted of: "2. Paul's prayer arises out of passionate affection that seeks that good of others- not their priase, gratitude, acceptance, and still less some sense of professional self-fulfillment. .... As someone who has taught seminary students for more than fifteen years, I worry about the rising number of se...

the stronger 'half'

Over at lunch yesterday, there was a comment about the stronger gf/wives. I readily admitted that I am the stronger 'half' at home. I used to think that being strong is not a good thing. As a girl, I should be quiet, demure in every aspect of my mannerism. I've known of strong women being labeled 'aggressive', 'demanding', 'domineering' and 'jezebellic' and honestly, I detest such labels as they are as sweeping as the labels sounds. I am strong in my opinions, value systems, beliefs and I express them when I am 'triggered'. Hence I am not the nice, subservient person/woman/wife as commonly thought of, desired of. I'm not the "yes" person who agrees for the sake of harmony or preserving harmony although there are times when a matter does not call for my views and it is not so important then I will readily comply. However, when a matter is really of significance and importance to me, I will not hesitate to express myself e...

The New Year

2007 will be a year of challenge for me personally. Having a child due in April (20 April is the estimated day of arrival). Parenthood is slowly settling in and we are still considering all the options of who is to help us look after the child. God has assured us time and again that He will lead and He will provide. In my private journal about 2 mths ago. As I thought about the challenges ahead, God spoke to me about "ASK" - Luke 11:9 - 13. I'm not one who like to conjure up things for myself so that I can feel good about it but that day, I journaled down my thoughts about the passage and what I sense God was saying to me. This morning, as I ponder about the future. I came across the same passage once again. God says, ASK. This time the passage was from Matthew 7:7 - 12. The pastor and preacher, John Piper gave a thorough exposition and explanation of the passage and I sense the Spirit of God, once again, directing my focus on Him. Just as I am considering and praying abo...


Ok, random and perhaps illogical posting for the day. My strength is also my weakness. I am determined, strong-headed and stubborn like a bull. Determine is a strength because I tend to peservere under trying cirumstances and I'm not a quitter by nature. Strong Headed and stubborn are my weaknesses because I can be inflexible and at times tread insensitively breaking everything in the 'china shop'. It calls for balance and sometimes its tough. I've learnt, not to operate by my instinct. My instinct is to charge and the only way for balance is to rein in first before something gets broken by my instinctive reaction. I've been thinking, reflecting over the last few days about this area of strength as well as weakness of my life and I ask for that sancification in my life to continue. To make the strength more edifying and to make the weakness submitted to Christ. Not easy but necessary process of being consumed by the Holy Spirit. I have another strength/weakness. It ...