It's been the 11th day since I became a mother. Coping and adjusting with being one has been tough, mostly unpredictable as I tried to meet her real needs. When she cries after a feeding and a diaper change, we had to rock her to sleep. The moment we put her down into the cot, she'll wake up and cry. Hence, week 1 was tough. I wasn't sure if I was giving her enough breast milk as the milk was slow in coming so I had to supplement her intake with formula milk contrary popular beliefs that if I were to do so, she'll get confused. I told myself, I need to persevere and if breast milk is still insufficient by this week, I will give her formula. Thank God that the last 3 days, she is off formula and feeds entirely on breast milk. She is the least confused at this point despite the supplement and suckles well especially when she is hungry. Now that I am better physically, I've started to train her to sleep on her own without anyone rocking her to sleep. The previous week,...